Daily Regulatory Notes 10/08/2024
Juneau, AK
The City Assembly and Mayor Beth Weldon are contemplating if regulations on short-term rentals are necessary for the city. Currently 391 STRs are registered with the city, and staff is putting together data and looking for community input on next steps.
Juneau Mayor Beth Weldon doesn’t think Juneau is ready yet to impose anything similar.
“I don’t think we are at a position at this time with the information we have to decide if we’re going to do regulations or not,” she said. “I think this task force will help us figure out if we do indeed need to start with regulations right away.” - Juneau has nearly 400 registered short-term rentals. How close is the city to regulating them?
Rio Rancho, NM
The Rio Rancho Governing Board met September 26 at 6:00pm to discuss amongst other items Ordinance O-22 which would limit short-term rentals to 1 stay every 7 days. After a lengthy discussion the board approved the first reading of O-22. It will likely be back before the board for a 2nd reading with revisions later this year.
The public comments were generally in support of an ordinance, but not O22 as currently written. A young woman from Rio Rancho, Madigan Ray was opposed to STRs being a presence in Rio Rancho all together. “Any time an entire home is owned for the sole purpose of short-term rentals, that’s one less home for someone to buy and be a part of this wonderful city,” she said.
Among the notable sections of O22 are noise and parking limitations, but the most controversial portion of the proposed ordinance was Section 123.04B10 (S10), which states that STR owners are limited to one rental every seven days, regardless of length of stay. - City Council mulls short-term rentals at recent meeting
Prairie Village, KS
City Council members approved a first reading of a ban on short-term rentals at their October 7 meeting. The ban will come back for a final reading before the council, likely later this year. If approved the ban would go into effect November 1, 2025. The first vote passed 10-2, so it seems likely the ban will pass.
The biggest concerns voiced during Monday night's council meeting involved safety for people who live near short-term rentals as well as noise and other concerns that can happen, according to homeowners. "Increased parking on the streets, noise level, late parties, strain on infrastructure, complaints from the neighbors, increased demand on the police and the lack of enforcement," Pam Justice, Prairie Village, told council members. - Prairie Village takes another step toward banning short-term rentals
Lafayette, LA
Short-term rental hosts in Single Family Residential zoning are shutting down after an ordinance banning them went into effect.
'I had to cancel 25 short-term contracts that were occurring after Oct. 6,' says Gaspard, a Lafayette STR owner. 'I let people reserve after Oct. 6 in hopes that [the ban] would be deferred. It didn't happen, so I had to go to 25 different reservation guests and cancel.' - Lafayette’s short-term rental rules take effect - The Current